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2020 Vision

Thank You Community!

Friends, 2020 was a challenging year that most of us would like to forget. It will be remembered as the year of mask wearing. Photos of family members wearing masks will be conspicuously placed in our family photo albums. Could you ever dream you would have to wear a mask to enter public buildings or Wal-Mart?

Sadly, during the year of COVID, many families lost loved ones, cities across America were destroyed, and the most unusual and challenged election in our history took place. Churches were not immune to the effects. Many churches had to close temporarily, hold services outside in parking lots, and practice social distancing during services before returning back to 'normal.'

Essential services like Of One Accord Ministry continued to operate and provide food and other services to families in Hawkins and Hancock Counties. We saw a significant uptick in the need for many of our services due to job losses, children staying home from school, and prolonged illness.

At the close of 2020, we once again saw how the hand of God provided abundantly through the ministry. 77,847 people were served through the hands of some 300 church and community volunteers to offer $4,738,077 worth of Goods and Services.

Our faithful and committed volunteers provided 48,986 hours of services to residents of our two counties. Our three food pantries is the keystone program operated by our ministry. We are happy to report that we provided 29,433 people with 1,576,444 pounds of food valued at $2,664,190. That's a lot of food!

We also partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast to host three separate food box distributions during the year. Through these efforts, we distributed 751 food boxes to 1,875 people.

We continued to provide much needed nutrition to older adults through our meals-on-wheels program and to children through the Lunch Box Program.

The Church Hill Medical Clinic provided essential services to individuals in our region who are un- or underinsured. The Mission Family Support Center and Heaven's Bells Diaper Pantry also continued to serve the community through a variety of programs. The Christmas For the Children Program made 1,312 children's wishes come true.


Due to COVID, we have seen a dramatic decline in volunteer support and senior workers. The East TN Human Resources Agency administers a program which places seniors in a workplace for 20 hours a week. Last year, they discontinued the program and we lost 20 workers. This has left us with a gaping hole needing to be filled by volunteer support.

In a time where volunteers are already slim, the ministry is struggling to sort through donations and get them to the sales floor. Revenue from our thrift stores goes to support our ministry's programs. This is a great opportunity for Sunday School Classes, civic groups, and clubs to choose one or more times a month to volunteer their time to help. Call us at 921-8044 and we can get you plugged in to help!


We would love to come to your church in 2021 and tell you about our mission and vision for the community and how you can connect with us. Whether you have five minutes during Sunday School or announcements or you would like us to take the full service, we'd love to connect with you!

Again, heartfelt thanksgiving on behalf of all those you serve through your partnership with Of One Accord Ministry.

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