Each year, People Loving People has provided the residents of Hawkins County (and beyond) upwards to 4,000 Thanksgiving meals most of which are delivered to family homes by a host of volunteers on Thanksgiving Day.
This year, due to the upswing in COVID, People Loving People canceled their Thanksgiving Meal Dinner.
After much prayer, they decided to partner with Of One Accord Ministry to distribute Thanksgiving Meals to 900 families in Hawkins County.
The partnership is through Second Harvest Food Bank, WCQR Christian Radio Station, People Loving People who is providing a large part of the funding and Of One Accord Ministry.
Applications are located for Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes.
Emergency Services in the Church Hill Shopping Center - Monday, Thursday and Fridays, 357-7228
The Shepherd’s Center in Rogersville, 306 East Main St. Monday through Saturday 10-5pm 921-8044
You must fill out an application in order to receive a dinner. The bottom of your application is your ticket for pick up-
We expect this is a one year only break in the program People Loving People started and has operated for the last 20 years..
Of One Accord represents and works through the Church Community of Hawkins County.
Happy Thanksgiving
Staff at Of One Accord Ministry