The Second Harvest Food Bank has been given both grants and food during the COVID crisis.
They will partner with Of One Accord to do a distribution this Saturday, July 11th between 9 am and 11am.
This is a unique distribution with each family receiving approx. 4 boxes of items which means Of One Accord will have to fine-tune their method of distribution.
Everyone MUST fill out an application at The Shepherd’s Center prior to Saturday. The bottom tears off and only families with this numbered voucher can be served.
Only 1 voucher or order can be given to each vehicle. We cannot serve a family who has lost or forgotten their voucher.
We need recipients to have your car cleaned out to be able to hold 4 boxes. Often cars are full of car seats, used tires or other items.
Some recipients are scheduled to come at 9am and some at 10am. Please follow instructions on your voucher.
There will be a block party following the distribution at 12 noon for about 90 minutes.
The Block Party will be across the street from The Shepherd’s Center in the back of the Market Place Building. You will have an air-conditioned area to eat.
There will be hot dogs, drinks, games for the kids and some free drawings of gift cards and bicycles.