What a year this has been. And we couldn't have done it without the commitment of our staff, volunteers, churches, community, and supporters near and far.
Ministry takes teamwork!!! Yes it takes a “village!”
Our community of "helpers" - YOU and YOU and YOU and YOU (well YOU get the picture) have embodied the "Spirit of Christmas" all year round.
YOU have sorted and packed food boxes, delivered home-cooked meals to the shut-ins and elderly, ministered to someone who lost a loved one to COVID, provided much-needed medical services, and everything else in between.
We exist because of YOU!
When you lay down during this season of Christmas, know that YOU do make a difference, a big difference in the lives of people served both here and abroad.
I pray God’s greatest blessings come to YOU and your family through this Christmas and into the New Year.
And best of all! 73,000 have come to Christ through efforts here. You will meet people in heaven, that are there because of work YOU have done.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Sheldon Livesay and the Team at Of One Accord Ministry